KEN HAMWEY, Staff Sports Writer

Change is inevitable, and at Holliston High there’s been a major change in the boys’ basketball program — Mark Champagne has replaced Jenna Gallster as head coach.
The 62-year-old Champagne probably is familiar to some Panther fans, but he’...

St. Michael’s Episcopal Church is celebrating our 60th anniversary on Sunday, September 29th, 2019, the Feast of St. Michael’s and All Angels.
Service begins at Ten O’Clock. Our Rector, The Reverend Sarah Robbins-Cole will preside and the...

St. Michael’s Episcopal Church is celebrating our 60th anniversary on Sunday, September 29th, 2019, the Feast of St. Michael’s and All Angels.
Service begins at Ten O’Clock. Our Rector, The Reverend Sarah Robbins-Cole will preside and the...

Christopher Tremblay, Staff Sports Writer

For 28 years Holliston’s Bud Dodge has ridden his bike for the Pan Mass Challenge, raising money for the Dana Farber Institute. Unfortunately, Dodge got involved because of a family member dying to cancer.
“There are two sides of the coin;...

KEN HAMWEY, Staff Sports Writer

When Holliston High won the Tech Tournament in 1964, basketball was embraced and the sport became very popular. A drive through the town that year featured automobiles with bumper stickers reminding motorists that it was Tech Tourney champs....

Bicycle Event September 21 Benefits Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Mass and Metrowest

Ride 25, or 50 miles to help raise millions for at-risk kids in Massachusetts. The #1 single-day athletic event in support of kids in the nation, the Rodman Ride for Kids has raised over $143 million since 1991. Ride in support of your favorite...

The Holliston Historical Society’s annual Harvest Fair takes place on Sunday, September 22, 2019. (Rain date September 29) from 10-4.  The fair, located on Route 16, is a great way to celebrate the first day of autumn with many vendors, antiques...

When the band goes marching down the street, smiling kids are bouncing along with banners and tractors are rumbling to the tune of a kazoo, we know Celebrate Holliston’s parade is in town. On September 21, 2019, we want you to join the...

Event 6 p.m. August 6th at Goodwill Park

On Tuesday, August 6th, the Holliston Police will hold a National Night Out of fun with members of the Holliston community at 6 p.m. at Goodwill Park.
The national event began in August of 1984 through an established network of law...

J.D. O’Gara

Holliston Schools made the announcement this year, and it will start NEXT year – school start times will be changing. Local Town Pages sat down with Stacey Raffi, Chair of the Holliston School Committee, and Cynthia Listewnik. Both of them worked...
