The Hopedale boys cross country team did it again. The Blue Raiders put together another season to be remembered as the squad captured its seventh straight (11 of the last 12) Dual Valley Conference Title and then took home its eighth...
The Hopedale volleyball team began some ten years ago and this year and this season they were finally able to climb to the top of the mountain where no Blue Raider Volleyball team has gone before. After finishing the season 17-2 Hopedale advanced...
Determination. Love. Family. These are the themes that come to mind when reading S.E. Hinton’s classic novel The Outsiders. It’s 1965 in a small rural town in the Midwest, home to two gangs from very different walks of life. On one side, the Soc’...
The partnership that Blackstone-Millville Regional and Hopedale High have in football goes far beyond what happens between the white lines — it’s about relationships and friendships.
Just ask Hopedale’s Jake Wollensak.
The 6-foot, 170...
Over the past ten seasons the Hopedale field hockey team has compiled a 144-22-11 regular season record where they have gone undefeated twice, grabbed three number one seeds and two number two seeds in the Division 2 Central State Tournament....
The Town of Hopedale will hold a household hazardous waste collection day on Saturday, November 4th, rain or shine, at the Hopedale Recycling Center on Thwing Street from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
sponsored by the Hopedale Board of Health. ...
Holiday Hours
In observance of Veteran’s Day, the Library will be closed on Saturday November 11th. The Library will close at 4 PM on Wednesday November 22rd – we will be open from 1-4 PM only. The Library will be closed on Thursday...
The Friends of Historic Hopedale’s 7th annual Hopedale Downtown Winter Stroll will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2017 from 2pm to 8pm. Once again we will team up with the Hopedale Community House who will be offering their popular tree...
Called the “heart and soul” of the Hopedale High School Alumni Association, Betty Butcher was honored for her 45 years as Treasurer of the group at its 130th Anniversary Celebration Dinner held at the Doubletree Hotel in Milford on October 7th....