Solomon King knew that he could run, and run fast, he just never envisioned himself running track for high school. Upon entering his freshman year at Norwood, he decided that he’d check it out to see what it was like; what he found was a lot of...
Chris Griffin – Norwood Light/Broadband
After 47 years on the job, Chris Griffin retired from the Norwood Light Department in January of this year. His Norwood journey started with a heads-up from his mother, who worked in the billing...
The Boston Marathon is an unofficial sign of the arrival of Spring. In true New England style, the race has experienced huge fluctuations of weather, from hot, to cool, to sunny, and sometimes downpours. This year, however, the temperature will...
According to their website, The Skating Club of Boston (SCOB) was founded in 1912 by Boston’s great figure skating patrons. Since that time, the Club has worked tirelessly to promote excellence in the sport of figure skating throughout the U.S....
The Town of Norwood is one small slice of the nation working to contain and eliminate the coronavirus (COVID-19), but that part of the pie is essential to its residents to stay healthy while attempting to proceed through life’s daily tasks and...
Norwood’s Anthony Marchant came across hockey by somewhat of a mistake. It really wasn’t something that he was looking for at the age of eight, but when a neighbor who was involved in Learn to Skate invited him to bring a friend one day, he...
Participating in the Tri Valley League (TVL), the Norwood gymnastic team has only three competitors: Norton, MHM (Medway-Holliston-Millis) and MADS (Medfield- Ashland –Dover Sherborn). In addition to their three TVL opponents, the Mustangs have...
The Norwood Summer Academy Enrichment offerings will run for a total of 24 days: Monday through Thursday, Monday, July 6 through Thursday, August 13, at noon. No summer school on Fridays. Check the schedule at...
The Norwood Evening Garden Club will host Joann Vieira, the state-wide Director of Horticulture for The Trustees of Reservations on Tuesday, March 31, at 6:45 p.m. at the Carriage House behind the First Baptist Church, 71 Bond Street, Norwood....
Norwood residents may request free water conservation fixture kits (low flow shower heads, faucet aerators and dye tablets to detect toilet leaks) and educational information from the MWRA. The Department of Public Works also has a limited number...