A 100 Year Story in the Making

Kyle Koller
Issue Date: 
April, 2019
Article Body: 

What would you do if you lived to be 100? A full century of experiences, adventures, and crazy stories would be under your belt. You would see the transformation of friends and family over a 100-year span, and even get the chance to possibly meet your great-great grandchildren. What story would you write about yourself if you lived to be 100?
Our very own Medway Resident, Esther Fox, reached this extraordinary milestone March 29th of this year. Esther was born on March 29th, 1919 in Wells, Maine. Esther has fond memories of her days in high school, including one in which she reminiscences the time when school was canceled because it was too cold to heat the school. She recalls that the temperatures were 30 below zero! She also remembers growing up on a farm and helping her dad by driving the oxen through the fields and driving a horse drawn hay rake. She graduated high school at the age of 16 in which she further advanced her education by attending the Gorham Normal School.
In 1939 at the age of 20, Esther began her career in education by teaching in a one room school house in Maine. It was during this time that Esther met the love her life, Frank Fox, who she married in 1951. It was also the year that Esther and her new family moved to our community of Medway. As Esther’s life progressed, her career was put on the backburner in order to tend to her newborn son, Charles. During this time, Esther began to start substitute teaching in Medway as well as other surrounding towns, which she continued until her retirement in 1999.
Today you can find Esther residing at her home on Mahan Circle, and continues to be a vibrant member of the community as she typically can be found sharing her stories and experiences with other residents of Medway. She is a frequent chess player as she normally plays once a week with her friends from church. Esther has been a member of the church since 1985. She has also been a member of The Kings Daughters for almost 50 years, serving as President of the Norfolk Chapter for a few years! As a resident in Maine, Esther was an active member of the Grange, serving as the Master of the Wells Chapter. She was also a longtime member of the local 4H club, and at one point was even the state delegate.
We at Local Town Pages would like to wish Esther Fox a very happy 100th birthday and ask that anybody who sees her to congratulate her on reaching this extraordinary milestone. Happy 100th Birthday Esther!