Abundant Table Ultimate Team Challenge

by Bella Caggiano
The Mustang Meatballs join in the competition!
Issue Date: 
April, 2016
Article Body: 

As winter turns into spring, the teams are forming quickly to compete in the inaugural Ultimate Team Challenge, a team competition to raise money for the Abundant Table. The timed obstacle course will include 20 squads of ten competing in head-to-head contests. Each team is required to raise a minimum of $5,000 for the event with all proceeds going towards The Abundant Table. The fastest team of the day will be crowned the Ultimate Challengers! While the specifics of the course will remain a secret until the day of the event, organizer and Abundant Table board member Laurie Shea did reveal that it will include 8-10 stages of physical, and often entertaining segments.
This month’s featured team, the Mustang Meatballs, led by Norwood native Sarah McDonough, could not have deeper Norwood roots. McDonough, as well as her husband Tom Griffin, were born and raised in town and come from large families who are very active in the local community. McDonough, a mother of two, is a teacher at Norwood High School, the Norwood Recreation Department Playcamp Director, volunteer lacrosse coach and Town Meeting Member.
While the event will prove to be a fun day, McDonough feels a great responsibility with her captain role, but not for reasons pertaining to the actual competition; assuming responsibility to gather funds will help the Abundant table continue to serve as a great resource for families struggling to put food on their tables.
“I’m both excited and nervous about the challenge,: McDonough said. “I’m nervous about raising the money for The Abundant Table, which is the most important part of this event. I think my team and I will accomplish the course not problem, raising as much money as we can for The Abundant Table is the real challenge.”
The easiest part of her lead role she explained was forming her lineup.
“My team is made up of friends and family, all who live or lived in Norwood at one time,” McDonough said. It was hard to pick only 10 people, especially with a big family and lots of competitive friends.”
McDonough’s Team:
• Tom Griffin: McDonough’s husband, NHS 2000 graduate and lineman for the Norwood Light Department.
• Chris Griffin: McDonough’s brother-in-law, NHS 1998 graduate, and Norwood Fire Department firefighter.
• Mike Millar: McDonough’s sister’s boyfriend, 2002 NHS graduate and employee at DifferRentals and Lewis’ Bar & Grill.
• Joanna McDonough: sister, NHS 2008 graduate and nurse at Faulkner Hospital.
• Lindsay Whitcomb: cousin, Norwood resident and nurse at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
• Colleen Czyrca: friend, NHS 2003 graduate, and exercise therapist at Hebrew Rehabilitation Center.
• Lauren McNamara: friend, NHS 2003 graduate, and physical education teacher for Boston Public Schools.
• Caitlin Loughlin: cousin, NHS 2002 graduate, and nurse at Tufts Medical Center.
• Jill McGovern: friend, NHS 2003 graduate, childcare professional.
• Kathleen Gould: friend, NHS 2003 graduate, Westwood teacher and Norwood resident.
McDonough’s team is currently hosting fundraisers, but if you would like to donate to their squad, contact McDonough at s.mcdonough85@gmail.com.
The Abundant Table operates solely on donations and fundraisers, which is why this aggressive event spearheaded by Laurie Shea is so important. They also raise funds through grants, corporate donations, community events, organized food drives and individual food and monetary contributions. The Abundant Table is located within the First Congregational Church, Pingree Hall, 100 Winter St., and hosts dinner hours Wednesdays and Fridays, 5:30-6:30 p.m. For more information on the Abundant Table or to donate, call 978-501-1264, visit their website at www.abundant-table.org or mail a check to: The Abundant Table, Inc., P.O. Box 109, Norfolk, MA 02056.
Reserve June 18 on the calendar; this event will be as much fun watching as participating!