And the 2017 TONY Awards Go To...

by Bella Caggiano
Issue Date: 
April, 2017
Article Body: 

Each year, ten Norwood teenagers are acknowledged and awarded for their community service through the Norwood TONY (Ten Outstanding Norwood Youths) Awards. This winter, the program's sponsor, the Orient Lodge of Masons, hosted a ceremony to recognize and celebrate these impressive young residents and present them with a $1,000 savings bond and a gift card from Perk's coffeehouse. A supplementary award, the Fr. Robert Dwyer Award was also given which includes an additional $500 savings bond.
The 2017 TONY Award Winners
Erin Donnelly NHS
Brendan Hurley NHS
Olivia Haglund NHS
Sarah Vail NHS
Giulliana Schallmo NHS
Rochelle St. Jean NHS
Meghan Reen NHS
Meghan Pagliuca NHS
Sean Briggs NHS
Radha Dave NHS
Fr. Robert Dwyer Award
Allison Campbell NHS
A total of 29 students submitted an essay and application this year, and through blind judging, each nominee was given a score and the top ten result in a TONY Award.
The Norwood TONY (Ten Outstanding Norwood Youths) Awards was initiated over 40 years ago to recognize exceptional Norwood youths in grades 10-12 for their significant contribution that included their time, effort and talent with voluntary involvement to their church, community and other worthy causes. To be eligible, the students must be Norwood residents but can attend schools outside of town. A panel of five judges, one a Norwood municipal officer, a town clergy, a member of the Masons, a representative from the business community, and a member from the Women's Community committee, review their individual nomination where they must answer five questions and a 300-word essay on what community services means to them. This year's judges were: Deborah Holmwood, Town of Norwood, Kate Bush, Clergy, Mary Tricco, Orient Lodge of Masons, Charlotte Walsh, Business Community Member, Ruth Martowska, Norwood Women's Community Committee.
Recognizing the altruistic efforts of Norwood's younger generation has been a tradition for 47 years. The Jaycees managed the TONY Awards from 1970 to 1995 and the Orient Lodge of Masons has been organizing and managing the annual program for the past 22 years. In addition to the time donated by the lodge and judges, there are many other community members who contribute to the administration and success of this commendable local custom.
The TONY Award committee consists of: Mary M. Connolly, David J. Laronde, Robert Tibbets (honorary), Dave Tricco, Mark A. Bush, and Manny Escobar.
Financial support and backing are also integral components to allow this program to run year after year. TONY Award sponsors are: the Orient Lodge of Masons, Norwood Cooperative Bank, Roche Brothers, Perks Coffee House, Manny Escobar, D.J. Laronde & Associates, Dedham Institute for Savings, Poirier Appliance, the Norwood Women's Community Committee, and the Neponset Valley Royal Arch Lodge. Individual donors include: Homer Everhard, Bill Pellagrine, Brandon S. avis, David J. Laronde, Chris Davis, Charlie Davis, Manny Escobar, Emily & Bob Tibbets, Louis Kabelka, Dennise Reebel, Lennox Chase, and Rich Cushing.
Norwood is known for its community spirit and support of its residents and the TONY Awards is another great example of a town where giving comes from all ages and neighbors seize this opportunity to convey their thanks and gratitude!