Annual Cubscouts Pinewood Derby held in February

Issue Date: 
March, 2019
Article Body: 

Hopedale Pack 1 cub scouts held their annual, and much anticipated, Pinewood Derby car races on February 2nd. Scout families and friends spent the day cheering on their favorite cars. Awards were given for first, second, and third place along with most creative! Several Boy Scouts from Hopedale Troop 1 supported the races as well.
Cub Scouts have built and raced the small wooden cars in races around America since 1953. Each scout selects a car design and carves it from a small block of pine, paints and decorates it and then races it. 
The criteria for the cars is strict. They must meet size and weight requirements. The axles, wheels and body must only be from the kit. Also, cars cannot ride on any kind of spring and must be free-wheeling.
To finish off the day, a Glory Race was held where siblings, friends, and adults raced their own cars in hopes of winning the coveted Glory Race Trophy! Top winners included Joe Tandy, Ben Stone, Conner Lane, and Burke Empey who will move on to race against other local Cub Scout packs in the district. 
SAVE THE DATE!!! Come celebrate Cinco de Mayo with the Friends of Hopedale Cub Scouts at Craft Roots Brewery. Live music, raffles and  your entry ticket will include pint of beer, pizza and one raffle ticket! Event will take place 5/5/19 from 6-9. Check out our Facebook page for more info.