Ashland’s Earth Day: Residents Invited to Clean Up the Town, May 6

By Cynthia Whitty
(Photo/Deborah Grady,
Issue Date: 
April, 2017
Article Body: 

GreenUp Ashland will hold its annual event to celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, May 6, 9 a.m. to noon. Residents of all ages are invited to participate. Individuals and groups will clean up parks and neighborhoods and along streets and rivers. Organizers say this is a great opportunity for residents to enjoy the outdoors with family and friends while contributing to their community and neighborhood.
Three Locations to Register for Clean Up. Residents may register in advance on online,, or on the day of the event at the Stone Park Pavilion or at three satellite locations: downtown, near Sunnyside Café; outside Encompass Fitness Center, 200 Homer Ave.; or outside Focus on Fitness, 290 Eliot St.
Residents should bring work gloves and water and wear sturdy shoes and bright clothing for safety. Residents may leave bags they fill with rubbish and roadside litter on the curbside for pickup by the Ashland Department of Public Works.
The event is organized by the citizens’ committee, GreenUp Ashland, in cooperation with town departments. The committee is comprised of Karyn Dann, Janet Gamache, Mark Oram, David Rubenstein and Jeanne Walker. This year’s business sponsors include Waste Management, Inc.
Event Volunteers Needed
The GreenUp Ashland committee needs help distributing bags, registering participants, tracking clean up locations, and setting up and organizing the morning of the event. Volunteers who assist will be treated to coffee, donuts, t-shirts and collapsible, BPA-free water bottles.
For more information, email, visit and, or, to volunteer, call the Ashland Board of Health, 508-881-0100, or extension 7128 or 7922 for Health Agent Mark Oram.
Ashland residents invited to work together on Ashland’s Earth Day.