Ashland-Medfield Ski Team Aims for Improvement

By Ken Hamwey, Staff Sports Writer
Head Coach Nancy Schlussel
Issue Date: 
February, 2017
Article Body: 

The Ashland-Medfield co-op ski team, now in its second year as a varsity squad, should be improved over last season’s maiden voyage on the slopes.
Ashland-Medfield concluded its first season in the Central Mass. Conference Ski League (CMCSL) with the girls compiling a 13-23 record and the boys going 10-22. Head coach Nancy Schlussel is optimistic both teams will finish in the top half of the league’s standings this year because of their numerous strengths.
“We lost only one skier to graduation, so we’re more experienced,’’ Schlussel said. “Now the kids know what to expect. We’ve also got more depth. We’ve gone from 12 skiers last year to 17 currently. Our kids possess good skills, they’re strong on basics, and they’re enthusiastic. Team chemistry and their work ethic are also assets. But, we need to improve our speed and we can be stronger on slalom courses.’’
The boys’ team consists of four skiers from Ashland and three from Medfield. The Ashland competitors are senior co-captain Julian Sherr, Donnie Jones, Jim Parisi and Jacob Sewell. Medfield’s participants are Alex Hagood, Coleman Foley and Drew Sly.
“Julian is one of our top skiers,’’ Schlussel noted. “He’s got good form and knows how to maneuver. A captain who leads by example and by being vocal, he’s a top-notch competitor in the giant slalom. Julian qualified for the states last year and performed well.’’
Schlussel also has admiration for the rest of the boys lineup. “Donnie also competed at the state championships last year. He’s a strong, all-around skier whose technique is good. He strives to improve, and he’s very supportive of his teammates. Jim has good form and lots of potential and Jacob is fearless and willing to improve. Alex is an adept speed racer whose form and technique are solid. Drew is coachable and has improved his technique while Coleman is a quick-learner and he’s enthusiastic.’’
The girls’ team consists of seven skiers from Ashland and three from Medfield. The Ashland girls include Kaleigh Donovan, Alicia Ramones, Olivia Sewell, Sabrina Weiner, Abigail Williams, Paulina Chumakov and Jean Johnson. Medfield’s participants are co-captain Leah Mason, Sophie Griffin and Sophie Lussier.
“Kaleigh is strong, confident and aggressive,’’ Schlussel said. “Abigail is a solid competitor whose technique and form are very good. She’s a returnee who strives to ski well. Alicia has improved and her approach is very positive while Sabrina started out as a timid skier, but because of her hard work in practice, now has speed and confidence. Paulina is versatile and coachable, Olivia is aggressive and strives for excellence and Jean is a solid competitor who always gives 100 percent.’’
Schlussel also is upbeat about her trio of girls from Medfield. “Leah is a senior captain who’s vocal and rallies the team effectively,’’ she said. “Her technique is good, she’s aggressive and has lots of speed. Sophie Griffin has a great attitude and is very coachable and Sophie Lussier has improved her technique and is comfortable with her speed.’’
Schlussel’s goals for both the boys and girls include climbing up the standings, becoming stronger racers and having more than two competitors qualify for the state championships (qualifying is based on rank). To achieve these objectives, Schlussel focuses on teaching technique to develop speed and negotiate turns. The teams in the CMCSL are Algonquin, Notre Dame of Worcester, Hopedale, Hopkinton, Medway, Millis, Nipmuc, Shrewsbury, St. John’s, Wachusett and Westboro.
“The teams to beat on the boys’ side are St. John’s, Shrewsbury, Algonquin and Westboro,’’ she said. “The strong girls’ teams are Wachusett, Westboro, Algonquin and Shrewsbury. We’re hoping to be in the top five for both boys and girls.’’
Geva Barash, an Ashland resident, is president of the self-funded team, which is recognized by the Mass. Interscholastic Athletic Association. “I’m proud we got this program rolling,’’ Barash said. “It gives students the chance to wear their school’s colors and to ski during the week.’’
Next year, the team, which practices and competes at Ward Hill in Shrewsbury, hopes to be included in Ashland’s athletic budget. Athletic fees will then be paid to the school and would cover transportation, the practice facility and ski passes. Equipment expenses are not covered by the school.
Schlussel, who teacher Grades 1-3 at the Summit Montessori School in Framingham, was a former ski instructor when she resided in Colorado. Currently, she’s in her sixth year of coaching the Wachusett Mountain Race Team (under-10 age group).
“The Ashland-Medfield team is an amazing group,’’ she said. “I was excited to help get the program under way last year and delighted to have the opportunity for the kids. It’s special when a competitor can represent his or her school. The skiers we have are all experienced, and it’s a good mix of boys and girls.’’
Schlussel’s athletic philosophy is to compete to win, reach one’s potential,and have fun along the way. She’s also a firm believer that competition in any sport is an excellent way to learn life lessons. “When you ski, you may face adversity with weather or your equipment may fail,’’ she noted. “You don’t give up just because conditions are against you. Sports build character.’’
And, it’s that attribute the Ashland-Medfield ski team will be displaying. In the team’s first league race, the boys were eighth-ranked (10 places) with Jones and Hagood finishing first and 10th respectively. The girls are ranked fourth.
