Ashland Town Elections

Back row (l to r): Charles Lidz (Assessor), David Rosenblum (Assessor), Joe Rubertone (Planning Board). Front row (l to r): Janet Rush (Assessor), Kab Rabinowitz (Library Trustee), Carolyn Bell (Library Trustee). Missing from photo: Ron Etskovitz (Board of Health). View the WACA-TV-recorded forum on (Photo/Cynthia Whitty)
Issue Date: 
June, 2017
Article Body: 

Election Results: The winner for the one contested seat was Janet Rush, who won over Charles Lidz, for a 2-year term as Assessor. Jon Fetherston was elected to one of the Board of Health seats as a write-in candidate. For a complete list, visit
A number of candidates participated in the library’s forum on May 1.