June Sat/Sun 10:30-5/Weekdays 11-5
July Sat/Sun 10:30-6/Weekdays 10:30-6
July 1,2,3,4 9-6
August Sat/Sun 11-6/
Weekdays 10:30-5:30
Snack Shack is available on the Stoddard Park side of the lake!
Pleasure Point open to Holliston Residents ONLY
Gate attendants will be at Pleasure Point throughout the summer.
Lifeguards & gate attendants will be at Pleasure Point on
weekends from 10:30-5/6
Want to buy a beach sticker? Here’s how!
Beginning May 1st, purchase your annual beach sticker on-line (www.townofholliston.us/parks-recreation), mail (send your check, made payable to: TOWN OF HOLLISTON, along with the completed form(found on our web site www.townofholliston.us/parks-recreation) and a self- addressed stamped envelope to Holliston Parks & Recreation-1750 Washington St., Holliston, MA 01746 or in-person at the Parks & Recreation office 1750 Washington Street or the Treasurer’s’ Office at 703 Washington Street
$45 Resident First Car
$20 Resident Second Car
$15 Senior Citizen- Holliston Resident (65 & older)
$90 Non Resident
Holliston Parks & Recreation Programs
The Holliston Parks & Recreation department has a number of great programs. June will bring MENS 30+ BASKETBALL to the Adams School Gym, with two 4-week sessions starting June 5 or June 7, for $25.
To see all of the upcoming programs, visit http://www.townofholliston.us/parks-recreation.
Issue Date:
June, 2017
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