Boys’ Hockey: Ashland Six Striving For a Return to the Playoffs

By Ken Hamwey, Staff Sports Writer
Issue Date: 
February, 2017
Article Body: 

Earning a berth in the ice hockey playoffs is always a tough slog.
Last year, the Ashland boys’ sextet, a young and rebuilding squad, finished 4-12-2 and failed to qualify for the tournament. This season, however, there’s optimism in the air because the Clockers are 6-3-1 at the halfway mark.
“Our goal at the start of the season was to build off last year,’’ said Coach Mike Roman, who’s in his eighth year at the helm. “We lost only three seniors to graduation, and we knew there was a chance we could be over .500 and qualify for a berth. We’ve got a strong corps back and it’s a team-oriented group.’’
During Roman’s first seven years on the job, Ashland has been to the post-season three times. So, the 37-year-old coach is acutely aware of the approach needed to be a playoff team and the attributes required to handle a challenging Tri Valley League (TVL) schedule.
“Our kids are aggressive and aren’t intimidated easily,’’ Roman emphasized. “They aren’t afraid to go into the corners or challenge their opponents in front of the net. We’re a hard-nosed group. The ingredients I look for in assembling a team include natural ability, speed and the ability to pass and shoot. It also helps when your players are coachable and buy into your system.’’
Roman is extremely pleased with his leadership group that includes captains George Boccelli and Casey Rosen and assistant captains Tyler Dempsey and Michael Burman. Boccelli is a senior center, Rosen is a junior forward, Dempsey is a senior center and Burman is a junior wing.
“George is a four-year veteran who has a high hockey IQ,’’ Roman said. “He’s a strong two-way player and he’s a solid passer. Casey can play defense or forward. He’s coachable, a hard-worker, physical and has good ice vision. Tyler loves the game and is always at the rink early. He works hard on defense. Michael is an offensive talent who has strong hands, shoots hard and passes very well. He’s got passion for the sport.’’
Ashland’s first line, which includes solid veterans in Boccelli and Burman, features the Clockers top scorer—freshman forward Brian Gazzard, who displayed lots of offensive fireworks when he registered seven points in Ashland’s 7-2 victory over Norton. “Brian is fast, has strong hands and has the right skill-set,’’ Roman noted. “He’ll battle hard in the corners.’’
Junior center Trent O’Connor, sophomore wing Mike McSweeney and Rosen round out Ashland’s second line. “Trent is a solid two-way player who’s fast and is an excellent back-checker,’’ Roman said. “Mike is big and strong, he’s physical and isn’t intimidated. He’s a hard-worker in the corners.’’
Roman has a solid contingent of young and capable defensemen. They include sophomores Jackson Hornung, Jack Merrill, and Cole Taddeo, and junior Steve Lowd.
“Jackson is one of the top defensemen in the TVL,’’ Roman said. “He’s got good instincts and he stick-handles well. Jack’s ice vision and his shot are very good. He plays the body well and is used on power plays. Cole is a strong defensive defenseman, he’s physical and coachable. Steve plays hard in the defensive zone. He’s a blue-collar kid who’s having a solid season.’’
Depth on defense is always a plus, and Roman has a trio of skaters who provide that quality. They are juniors Dan Hathaway and John Robertson and sophomore J.P. Kirk. “They’re solid in the defensive zone, they’re positive and they give us depth,’’ said Roman, who played hockey at Bridgewater-Raynham and later was captain at Suffolk University.
The goalie chores at Ashland are in the capable hands of junior Michael Lowd (Steve’s twin). Roman admires his net-minder’s desire for success, both for the team and himself. “Michael is very improved,’’ Roman said. “He relies on instincts, he’s aggressive and he plays the angles effectively. He’s a very hard-worker.’’
Roman credits his players for Ashland’s success at the halfway mark and he’s also quick to acknowledge the work of his assistants—jayvee coach Jim Belforti and varsity aide Matt Baker. “They do an excellent job,’’ Roman said.
Relying on a coaching philosophy that emphasizes reaching one’s potential and enjoying the game, Roman firmly believes if those two factors occur, “then winning is bound to follow.’’ He also is cognizant that athletics can teach youth’s solid life lessons. “A season doesn’t always go smoothly,’’ he said. “That’s when kids have to rely on teamwork and overcome adversity.’’
Rating Hopkinton and Medway as top contenders for the TVL title, Roman also knows that Medfield and Westwood are traditionally powerful squads. Where Ashland will finish remains to be seen, but so far Roman likes the Clockers’ work ethic and dedication.
A playoff berth is realistic for Ashland and it’s a goal that Mike Roman and his Clockers are striving to achieve.
