On the 16th of March, the Boy Scouts of Troop 1 Hopedale orchestrated a town-wide food collection to benefit the Milford Food Pantry. For the past several years, the Boy Scouts have been collecting canned and dried goods for Daily Bread Food Pantry in Milford, MA, which helps feed more than 400 families in the Milford area. Each year, usually, the Cub Scouts of Pack 1 Hopedale distribute fliers notifying the citizens of Hopedale of the collection date, asking residents to place items in a clearly visible bag on their front porch or steps. This year, along with the flyers cub scouts handed out, two scouts along with two adults were on a radio station, (Milford’s MyFM 101.3) and were talking about it. Saturday morning, the Boy Scouts of Troop 1 climbed into the cars of volunteer parents, and slowly move through the neighborhoods looking for donations. All of the bags are brought back to Union Evangelical Church (the Charter organization for Troop 1 Hopedale), and the Scouts sift through the donations, sorting them into boxes of ‘similar’ items. This year, we got 37 boxes of food to donate to the Food Pantry. Troop 1 Hopedale would like to thank all of the parents that donated their time and resources to help the boys make this happen, in addition to Union Evangelical Church, and all of the families of Hopedale that communicated to this very important project. For more information about Scouting in Hopedale, visit www.hopedalescouts.org, or email hopedalescouts@gmail.com.
Issue Date:
May, 2019
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