Brain Circus with Marvelous Marvin

Bacon Free Library, 58 Eliot Street, Natick. “Marvelous Marvin’s Brain Circus” begins with a rhyming overture about brain health and it’s links with exercise and reading. Then we join the circus and feel our brains grow! Play begins. We learn circus skills: juggling props, balancing sticks, spinning plates, flip-and-flyers, hula hoops, rhythm sticks, and romper stompers. Weather permitting, we’ll do this program outdoors. Marvin Novogrodski (aka: Marvelous Marvin) has been teaching and performing for children for over 30 years. A long time member of the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts Education roster, Marvin blends science, circus arts, dance, and theater to create unique, fun, and educational shows.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019 - 10:00am to 11:00am