Can’t Get Enough of Ashland Farmers Market?

Cynthia Whitty
Organizers Plan a Spring Market for April 7
The Ashland Mom’s Club hosts a workshop for kids at the recent mid-winter market. Photos/Florence Seidell
Issue Date: 
March, 2018
Article Body: 

At the Ashland Farmers Market (AFM) annual meeting this past January, volunteers, vendors and customers reviewed what worked well last season, what didn’t, and made suggestions for the future. Among the suggestions was to hold a spring indoor market. In response, AFM organizers are preparing one for Saturday, April 7, 9 am to 1 pm, at the Ashland Middle School cafeteria, 87 West Union St. (Rt. 135).
“We’ll have many of the same vendors at our April market that we have at our other indoor markets but with an emphasis on spring veggies,” Julia Chase, AFM president, said.
The AFM season runs June through October, Saturdays, 9 am to 1 pm, each year at 125 Front St., on the grass across from the library. In recent years, organizers added a pre-Thanksgiving market (November) and mid-winter market (February), and now a spring market.
Other ideas that came from the annual meeting are a Wine, Cheese & Chocolate Day and a day for artists and art students to paint at the market.
“Summer planning is in full swing,” Chase said. “We always in need of more market hosts and we definitely need members for all of our committees. Anyone interested can visit our volunteers’ page on our website, Folks can also reach out to us via our Facebook page, on our Website Contact Us page or through”
The popular farmers’ market, started in 2012, averages over 1,000 visitors per market day.