Charles River Chorale Plans to Come “Home for the Holidays”

Issue Date: 
October, 2016
Article Body: 

The Charles River Chorale held its first rehearsal for its thirty-second year on Tuesday, September 13 at 7:30 p.m. We rehearse weekly at the Church of Christ, 142 Exchange Street (Route 115), Millis, and we always have coffee and snacks available by about 7 p.m. Members, both old and new, are encouraged to come early to socialize and prepare for the night’s work. Rehearsals generally end at 9:30 p.m.
We are a non-audition, secular community chorus drawing membership from throughout the Charles River Valley, and performing two major concerts per year. Anyone who wants to sing is encouraged to join us. Membership is fluid for the first month; new members are generally accepted only during the first four weeks.
No musical training is required, and Director Ashley Nelson will work with new members to determine the range at which their voices and skills will be most successful. Members pay dues of $60 for the entire year (holiday and spring concerts) and reimburse the chorale for the cost of their music (keeping the music). High school students are not required to pay dues.
The Chorale’s December offering, “Home for the Holidays,” will feature Randall Thompson’s Frostiana: Seven Country Songs, specifically composed to put seven of Robert Frost’s winter-themed poems to music. The collection was originally performed for the Bicentennial of Amherst, Massachusetts in 1959, and includes pieces for male voices alone, female voices alone and for four-part chorus. They will also highlight the skills of Susan Fortin, Assistant Music Director and piano accompanist.
Other pieces will include “I’ll Be Home for Christmas,” “Homeward Bound,” “Bring Him Home (Les Miserables), “Home (Beauty and the Beast),” “Somewhere in My Memory,” and “Home for the Holidays.”
The Chorale also performs outreach to the community, including sponsorship of the Charles River Children’s Choir. The Children’s Choir will also perform at the both concerts.
Anyone interested in vocal performance is encouraged to visit with us on Tuesday evenings.