Explore Norwood's Rich History

Bella Caggiano
Sunday tours now available at the Fred Holland Day House
Issue Date: 
July, 2016
Article Body: 

If battling traffic and crowds does not sound like a relaxing way to spend an afternoon, local residents have an informative resource to learn about Norwood's rich historical roots. Now through September, the Norwood Historical Society (NHS) is opening their doors to share its impressive collections of Norwood past at the Fred Holland Day House, at 93 Day St., 1-3 p.m.
The Day House, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, is home of the Norwood Historical Society and the former residence of famed publisher, photographer, and philanthropist F. Holland Day. The Society’s historical album includes furniture, artifacts, and photographs relating to the Day family, their impressive house and a full history of this wonderful town.
Visitors can also enjoy viewing special exhibits relating to the Norwood Press and Plimpton Press, two of Norwood's largest employers during the early 20th century. The displays include photos, books, and memorabilia from the both organizations.
Group tours and research requests are also available.
Admission is $5 for adults; and free for children and members of the Norwood Historical Society. For more information call the Norwood Historical Society at 781-762-9197 or visit their website at www.norwoodhistoricalsociety.org.