Franklin Harvest Festival Registration Opens to Vendors in August

Issue Date: 
August, 2017
Article Body: 

Registration will begin in August for crafters, vendors, artists and community groups who want to participate in the Franklin Downtown Partnership’s 15th annual Harvest Festival on Saturday, October 14, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
This fall’s Harvest Festival is expected to draw more than 8,000 visitors to downtown Franklin. The rain date will be Sunday, October 15. Main Street will be closed to vehicle traffic for the event.
Booths are free to 2017 business members, $125 for non-members, and $185 for food vendors. The registration deadline for participants is September 20. Downtown business owners need to send in a registration to secure store-front space.
A late charge of $35 will be added to registration forms received after September 20, and no registrations will be accepted after October 1.
Event details and registration forms will be posted in early August on, on the FDP’s Facebook event page and on Twitter. Questions can be directed to Harvest Festival Chair Scott Martin at
Sponsors are needed to help support the FDP’s largest and most popular festival. As a non-profit organization, the Downtown Partnership depends on sponsors to fund this and other efforts including Beautification, the Strawberry Stroll and the Holiday Stroll. Sponsorship forms can be found on the FDP website under the Sponsors tab.
Currently, Dean Bank, Middlesex Savings Bank and Rockland Trust are Silver sponsors. Chestnut Dental Associates, DCU, the Franklin Cultural Council, Franklin Ford and Real Living Realty are Bronze sponsors. The Franklin Historical Museum and Franklin Cultural District, LeafFilter, Rescom Exteriors, and Tom Fricker Heating & AC, Inc. are Friends sponsors.
The Franklin Downtown Partnership is a 501©3 organization made up of 240 business owners, community leaders and residents working to stimulate economic development downtown and create a positive impact throughout the area. For more information please visit