Both figuratively and literally, bricks engraved with the names of those who have served and are serving are providing the pathway. The paramount goal of the Franklin Veterans Memorial Walkway, however, which will be dedicated in a ceremony at Franklin Town Common on Sunday, November 11th, 2018 at 1:30 p.m., rain or shine, is the honoring of soldiers from Franklin who gave their lives for their country.
“We always talk about the bricks, because that’s the funding mechanism, but the most important part is the placement of the pedestals with the bronze plaques for the 45 fallen soldiers,” says Franklin Veterans Services Officer Dale Kurtz,
In fact, over 80 family members, and possibly up to 100 family members of the 45 fallen soldiers will attend the Veterans Day ceremony, which will also mark the 100th anniversary of the ending of hostilities of WWI.
“We’re recognizing the ending of hostilities in World War I, which is the reason we’re doing the dedication on that day,” says Kurtz. “We’re honoring those vets who died during our nations’s conflicts from WWI to today. The connection between November 11th and the Franklin Veterans Memorial Walkway is very tight.”
Bricks engraved with the names of soldiers, living or deceased, along with their branch of the military, continue to be sold for $100 apiece, funds that contribute to the project. The first delivery of bricks took place on October 10th, and in mid-October, work for the Veterans Memorial Walkway was ahead of schedule, according to Kurtz.
Sales of the bricks, which is ongoing (the walk can accommodate 12,000), are going well. So far, says Kurtz, the V.F.W. has received around 950 orders.
“That’s many more than we anticipated,” says Kurtz. “We didn’t know what to expect. We’ve gotten orders from 21 states, plus the District of Columbia.”
The project has received “tremendous support, from the Town Administrator and Town Council, from the residents, and we’ve also received a grant from the state to help with our construction, which has been very helpful. Senator Ross and Representative Roy were the big drivers, and Senator Spilka also assisted,” says Kurtz.
The town sponsored and privately funded project, managed by the Franklin V.F.W. Post 3402 is possible thanks to a number of participants. The Franklin DPW, says Kurtz, has provided a mountain of work, including digging and brick-laying. The bricks are being engraved by Permanent Mark, out of Clinton, Mass. Other companies with noteworthy contributions to the project include Allegra Printing, Vicario Studios of Franklin, Signs by Cam, Allavatto Architects (HFA Creative Solutions),Darrell French and C&A Masonry, to name a few. A more comprehensive list of local businesses that supported the project can be found in updates posted at the town website, www.
The dedication of the walkway will include the reading of the names of the 45 fallen (which accompany this article). The walkway will be unveiled, as will the bronze plaques, and a reception, open to the public, will follow the event at the Franklin Senior Center.
If you are interested in ordering a brick to commemorate your service or a that of a family member, it’s not too late. The sale of bricks will be ongoing, says Kurtz.
For more information, please contact VFW Post 3402 at (508) 533-2377. Order forms are available at The Franklin Veterans’ Service Office located at the Senior Center, the Town Hall lobby and on the Franklin Veterans’ web page. Bricks may be ordered online at:
Event Commemorates 100 Years Since WWI Ended

Issue Date:
November, 2018
Article Body: