Going Above and Beyond

Grace Allen
Former Norfolk Children’s School Director Opens New Preschool in Franklin
Issue Date: 
November, 2016
Article Body: 

They say that when a door closes, a window opens. After the Norfolk Children’s School (NCS) shut its doors this past June, director and teacher Deb Holmes decided it was the perfect opportunity to start her own preschool.
Above and Beyond Preschool Center, LLC opened recently in Holmes’ house in Franklin, right on the Norfolk line. Fully licensed by the state, the school will build on the philosophies of the Norfolk Children’s School, where Holmes taught for over 20 years.
“It’s always been a dream of mine to own a business,” said Holmes, who plans to cater to the individual needs of the families and children enrolling in her school. As a home-based preschool, flexibility will be the hallmark of Above and Beyond, added Holmes.
With both Early Bird and Night Owl enrollment options, the school’s extended day will allow Holmes to offer enrichment activities beyond her preschool curriculum. The enrichments themes will be driven by the children’s interests, noted Holmes.
“My objective is to offer ‘opportunities’ for learning so that the children will be excited about making discoveries on their own, and therefore instill a love of learning.”
In addition to the indoor classroom, the preschool offers a large outdoor space for exploration and nature-based activities. Holmes also plans to invite special guests, like storytellers, nutritionists, and musicians, to support and augment her curriculum.
Holmes, a classically-trained musician, opera singer, and piano teacher, has always enjoyed working with young children. When her own child was a student at the Norfolk Children’s School, Holmes would often volunteer in the classroom. Pam Mele, the owner and director of NCS from 1989 to 1996, suggested Holmes would make a great preschool teacher. Holmes eventually returned to school for certification in early education.
Mele, currently an adjunct faculty member in Dean College’s Department of Early Childhood Studies and the 2013 recipient of the Dean College Excellence in Teaching Award, said Holmes “has put a great deal of thought and experience behind her philosophy of teaching practice, curriculum, and the physical environment of her preschool.”
She added, “Deb has an intuitive and educated knowledge of child development. Her strengths are her warmth, her non-judgmental attitude, and a sincere desire to support children and families.”
Holmes still hears from former NCS students, who share how their preschool experience shaped the young adults they are today. The opportunity for children to explore, experiment, and create at their own pace is key to a successful early childhood education, believes Holmes.
“You can reach them at that age,” observed Holmes. “You can make the difference.”
For more information about Above and Beyond Preschool, visit www.aboveandbeyondschool.com or contact Holmes at (508) 520-1190. The school is also on Facebook: aboveandbeyondpreschoolcenterllc.