Babysitter Lessons and Safety Training
This is an informational workshop where you’ll learn all about the basics of infant and child care and how to react responsibly to medical emergencies. Please bring a snack/light lunch. Instructor: Juanita Allen-Kingsley
Friday November 10, 12:30-3 p.m., Grades 5-7, $55, Parks & Recreation Building
Parents Night Out - Parks & Recreation Staff
Need a night out? Drop off the kids for a fun night of activities including crafts, games and movies while you go out for a night on your own.
Friday, December 8, 6-9 p.m., Grades K-4, $20/child, Parks & Recreation Building
Zumba for Kids
Zumba® Kids classes give kids a chance to be active while jamming out to their favorite songs!
Session 1: Mondays 11/13-12/4, Ages 8-12, 3:15-4:15 p.m., $60
Questions? Call (508) 429-2149. Register on-line at: