Members of Cadette Troop #71010 were awarded the Silver Award this past week by Girl Scouts of Central & Western Massachusetts. The Silver Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. Each girl must complete the “Amaze” Journey which was about relationships , bullying and socal media. They had to also spend 50 hours on a service project that helped solve a problem in their community. They faced challenges and certain obstacles throughout the project, but these girls showed leadership, determination, organizational skills and dedicated themselves to help improve their community.
Inspired by a sewing class they took at Maria’s Sews Alot, they brainstormed and researched ideas for a community service project where they could use the sewing skills they learned. They decided to teach some “Home Economics”, a course which is no longer a course offered in the Hopedale Schools.
They reached out to the Bancroft Library’s children’s librarian Elaine Kraimer to schedule sewing workshops for girl scout troops and young girls in the community. The worshops included instructions on how to thread a machine and how to make a pillowcase out of 1 yard of fabric. Each girl in the troop would bring their own sewing machine and supplies to the library to set up and break down for each workshop. The troop is currently raising funds to donate a sewing machine for members of the library that would like to continue to practice sewing .
Kelsey Grillo, Jaiden Miller and Kayla O’Loughlin called their project Pediatric Pillowcase Project and donated the pillow cases to the pediatric patients at Milford Regional Hospital.
Alexandra McCall, Edda Phillips & Vivian Staheli called their project the Ledges Sewing Project and donated the cases to the residents of the Ledges in Hopedale over the holidays. The staff of the Ledges were very impressed and requested another project to make privacy catheter bag covers for the residents who travel in wheelchairs.
Their goal was to bring some cheer and color into their hospital and resident rooms.
Using an iPhone the group worked together to direct and film an instructional video showing the steps to thread the machine ,cut, pin and sew the fabric along with how to use a sewing machine to make a pillowcase . The video link will be available at the library to serve as a reference . Both groups worked long hours to make multiple pillow cases over the summer and fall individually and together as a group at home sewing parties.
Each girl had to contact GSCWM with the proposed plan of action for approval and then complete a final report explaining what the what the project was about, whom it would benefit and what lasting effect it would have on the community. They also has to explain how they funded the project, what they learnend about themsleves and describe any obstacles they may have experienced.
The path to the Silver Award takes self motivation, planning, perserverance and dedication.
Co-leaders Kristen Grillo and Monica Phillips were very proud of the girls’ accomplishment. The troop looks forward to their Big trip to Hershey Park this Spring and will be attending the GSCWM Silver Award Ceremony at the Mechanics Hall in Worcester on June 22nd.

Issue Date:
May, 2017
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