On Saturday October 13, 2018, Cub Scout packs from Hopedale, Milford, and Mendon participated in the annual Cub Scout Olympics hosted by Milford Pack 67.
Despite the rain, over 28 scouts and their families from Hopedale Pack 1 excitedly met at Fino Field to participate in events including sack races, three-legged races, softball throw, relay races and the much anticipated tug of war. Hopedale took first or second place in several events and with the large pack participation, won the coveted title of 2018 Cub Scout Olympics Winners!
When the tired boys left the Olympics that afternoon, they walked away with the trophy, ribbons, and big smiles on their faces.
If you see any scouts around town, ask them about this event. You will hear lots of excited stories of winning, losing, teamwork, trying hard, and having fun.
Issue Date:
November, 2018
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