Praising their $150,000 in academic grants over the past four years, Superintendent Karen Crebase hosted a reception for the Hopedale High School Alumni Association on January 25th to thank the group for its exceptional support of the town’s three public schools. The event brought faculty and staff of the Junior-Senior High School, Memorial Elementary School, Bright Beginnings Learning Center, the school department administration, and members of the school committee to the high school’s historic Draper Library for refreshments, a photo display of grant projects funded by the Alumni and the chance for school leaders and teachers to discuss the impact of the grants with the Association’s board members.
Noting the scope, variety and financial impact of the grant program, Superintendent Crebase highlighted math and science curriculum, musical instruments, computers and other technology, as well as student leadership seminars, faculty professional development, theater performances, and many other projects. “We are extremely fortunate to have the Alumni Association dedicated to supporting our schools. In a time when school budgets are challenging, the support of the Alumni allows us to further our educational initiatives and opportunities,” she said.
Junior-Senior High School Principal Derek Atherton accompanied Alumni board members as they visited classrooms to learn about grants for the computer center, where classes are held and the yearbook is produced; a Smart Board in the English Department; an aquarium used in the Oceanography class; and the “Coffee Cart,” which helps students learn life and business skills.
Principal Brian Miller thanked the Alumni for providing Memorial School with 12 grants, including $10,000 this year that helped fund the school’s new math curriculum, while Bright Beginnings Director Sue Mulready explained that a recent Alumni grant of $6,200 brought a major upgrade in the school’s curriculum and technology.
Superintendent Crebase presented Alumni board members with gifts on behalf of the Hopedale Public Schools, adding: “So much of what we’ve done would not be possible without the financial support we receive from the Alumni. We are very grateful for all they do for our staff and students and look forward to our continued partnership in the
![Assistant to the Superintendent Jeanne McGuane and teachers Michael Aw and Jennifer Santosuosso with Alumni Secretary Kelly Santoro and Vice President Karen Mazzarelli at the January 25th reception.](
Issue Date:
March, 2018
Article Body: