With regret that is beyond words, we are announcing the cancellation of ArtWeek 2020, our award-winning community program. We had originally hoped that a different version of the festival might be possible as we continually reassessed the circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, but the ever-increasing bad news in terms of the virus and its effects, added to the increasing government restrictions on public gatherings, have led us to follow the lead of national, state, and local authorities and make this extremely difficult decision. We realize that this is very disappointing, but we also know that many of our event hosts, partners, and sponsors are also facing similar critical decisions. Ultimately, what is most important is that you, your communities, and everyone you interact with remain safe and well, so we feel that this is the right decision to make at this time.
We have also been deeply inspired by the sense of community and creative sharing across various platforms during this time and hope that you are taking advantage of the many creative ideas that are being offered from virtual tours, online classes and activities, and the brilliant “creative acts of kindness” that are popping up everywhere. At the same time, we know many nonprofits and creative communities are deeply suffering and urge everyone to show support however you can by making a donation or an online purchase, getting a gift certificate, or simply staying in touch to offer support. We are all in this together, and every positive action makes a big difference towards supporting a longer-term resiliency.
Lastly, we want to say thank you. We are grateful to partners like the Highland Street Foundation and our lead champions like Mass Cultural Council and Mass Office of Travel and Tourism, as well as many others who passionately share our belief in art and creativity for all. We are indebted to the generosity of our media sponsors who had committed over $500K this year, the community support of hundreds of partners at the state, regional, and local level, as well as to the 700+ event hosts with their amazing offerings. And please join me in saying thank you to the tireless work and commitment of the ArtWeek team, many of whom had just joined us in January. Without them, ArtWeek 2020 would not have been on track to be the biggest and best yet.
In the spirit of ArtWeek, please try to keep those creative sparks alive while you take care of yourselves and one another. And let’s start thinking now about how to make 2021 an even more meaningful celebration based on what we missed out on this year. The nation, state, and local communities need the power of art, culture, and creativity more than ever at this time. We are heartened knowing that ArtWeek’s creative communities are part of keeping those flames shining brightly during these unprecedented times.
Issue Date:
May, 2020
Article Body: