Learn about Frederick Law Olmsted with the Garden Club of Norfolk

Issue Date: 
March, 2019
Article Body: 

The Garden Club of Norfolk will present a program on the work and legacy of landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted on Wednesday, March 13 at 7 p.m. at the Norfolk Library. The program will be hosted by Alan Banks, Supervisory Park Ranger of the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site in Brookline. The event is free and open to the public.
The firm of Frederick Law Olmsted was involved in over 1,200 landscape architecture projects throughout Massachusetts, ranging from expansive 500-acre public parks to intimate private gardens. One of its greatest achievements is the six-mile “emerald necklace” of ponds, parks, and parkways that winds its way through Boston.
Alan Banks will sample this rich landscape legacy and explore the ideas that shaped some of the most treasured lands in Massachusetts. As Supervisory Park Ranger, Banks oversees the historical interpretation of the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site. He has researched and developed a variety of landscape walking tours and presentations on the Olmsteds and their work, and has presented to clubs, civic groups, schools, and libraries across Massachusetts. Banks wrote the first comprehensive guide and map to the Boston Park System.
Contact Stephanie Markham (toadlandgardens@comcast.net) for more information about the program, or visit https://gardenclubofnorfolkma.com.