On Thursday, March 9 the King Philip DECA Chapter left for the Massachusetts State Career Development Conference, hosted by the Marriot Copley in Boston. Our members arrived ready to compete and show the hard work that they have put in throughout this competition season.
Massachusetts DECA members participated in competition, professional workshops, and chapter activities. Hundreds of projects were evaluated by judges based on each category’s given criteria. The results of competition were presented at the Grand Award Ceremony on Saturday, March 11 and our chapter advanced 21 of our 51 projects to the International Career Development Conference in Anaheim, California in April.
First Place Winners: Tori Desmond, Sedona Claypole, Patrick Smith, Abby Melanson, Alex Welch, Hannah Lackey, Jason Florio, Jack Citarell, Blair Cloutier, Grace Patenaude, Lillian Andrews, Nick Sammarco, and Nick Simmons.
Second Place Winners: Andrew Gelsomini, Jeff Yatsuhashi, Meg Piller, Taylor Peterson, and Katherine Tobichuck.
Third Place Winners: Kailey Abbott, Sophia Nagar, Lauren Poirier, Tate Duffy, Hannah Putney, Adam Lotito, Jeremy Elpus, and Ryan Coulter.
Fourth Place Winners: Jackie Gorman, Samantha Treeful, Erin Daly, Brianna Lacy, Julianne Rando, and Devyn Greenberg.
Fifth Place Winners: Ryan Anderson, Cole Ginter, and Rachel Veilleux.
Top Ten Finalists: Liam Cullagh, Chris O’Neil, Zach Valencia, Jess Stoffel, Sara Saim, Lexie Macomber, Kyla Caprarella, Jaron May, Time Watson, Lauren Chandler, Jenn Hutnyan, Bri Stephani, Shelby Anderson, Liz Furfari, Jessica Bonner, Ashley Guertin, Courtney Kelleher, Hillary Costa, Lexie Mutascio, McKenzie Dyke, Brendan Lydon, Matt Richards, Brooks O’Neil, Charlotte Young, Chloe Manzi, Sydney Keane, Thea Conlin, Katherine Kenyon, Aidan Lawlor, Ben Consoles, Siobhan Carey, Kaleigh McNamara, Austin Crabtree, Harrison Burke, Stephen O’Neil, Kevin McCarthy, Connor Fritz, Jeremy Rhines, Nicole Carter, Jenna Midura, Colin Cooke, Matt Stanton, Thomas Lugten, Cam Koch, and Sam Rice.
Issue Date:
May, 2017
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