Medway Water Ban in Effect through September 30, 2017

Issue Date: 
June, 2017
Article Body: 

The Medway Water Division requests that everyone reduce their water use.
In accordance with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Water Management Act the Water Division is mandated to declare a mandatory water ban.
*There is NO outside watering during the hours of 9 a.m. through 5 p.m.
*Use of in-ground sprinkler systems is PROHIBITED at all times.
ODD-EVEN Watering Guidelines:
Odd numbered residences; HAND WATERING ONLY on Odd numbered calendar days.
Even numbered residences; HAND WATERING ONLY on Even numbered calendar days.
Violators are subject to the following fines:
• First offence - Warning - $0
• Second offence - $100
• Third offence - $200
• Subsequent offenses - $250 daily will be applied
• Repeat offences are subject to termination of service with a $65 fee for restoration of service and full payment of all fines and account balances.
Please use the following tips to reduce water usage:
• Water outside plants only when needed.
• Lawns are healthier when kept longer (2 ½ - 3 inches tall).
• Wash vehicles at car wash (they recycle water) or wash vehicles on the lawn to recycle the water.
• Restaurants should only serve water upon request.
For questions, please contact the Department of Public Services Office at (508) 533-3275.