Millis Seniors Speak Out on Rising Costs, Lack of Representation

By J.D. O’Gara
Issue Date: 
March, 2017
Article Body: 

Millis seniors are speaking out. In late January, Millis Council on Aging Director Patty Kayo invited James Neville, of the Millis Board of Selectmen, and Pete Jurmain, of the Millis Finance Committee, to come to the Millis COA to discuss issues of importance to senior members of the community. Also sitting and speaking from the roughly 75-person audience at the meeting was Selectman Cathy MacInnes.
One of the things that prompted Kayo to initiate the discussion was an overwhelming interest in the senior tax abatement program, she said. Thirty-one residents expressed interest in the program, in which they could work 100 hours for a tax abatement, but only 20 slots were available. Kayo explained that she was hearing concerns from the residents again and again about rising prescription and healthcare costs, the inability to keep up with taxes and a general disconnect with the town.
One 38-year resident of the town has seen prescription increases and rising healthcare costs, while also working as a crossing guard and at the library for the tax workoff program. “I don’t know how long we can do it,” she said, referring to being able to stay in her home with rising costs.
Some residents complained that town meetings are held late into the night and are difficult for many seniors to attend. The resulting sentiment is a feeling left out of town decisions. A suggestion was made that holding town meetings on Saturday could be useful for those who have trouble attending late night events.
The entire exchange was filmed by Millis Community Media. You can go online and look for “Senior Community Forum” at