Holliston in Bloom is hosting the 2017 America in Bloom National Symposium October 5-7 with a walking tour of Holliston on Saturday, October 7. To prepare for the special tour with over 200 attendees from around the country, our town needs to put on its party attire a few weeks early in mid-September. Please help with a town-wide cleanup that will focus on the walking tour route on Saturday, September 9 and Sunday, September 10. Please meet at our tent at Blair Square at 9 a.m. The following Sunday, September 17, we will plant mums and other plants at the locations that the Downtown Marigold Project has not reached. Also, if you can spare 2-3 hours during the week of September 10 to help Bobby “the Mayor” Blair get started with planting, it would be greatly appreciated. Please sign up at www.hollistoninbloom.org/volunteer.html.
Issue Date:
September, 2017
Article Body: