New Coach Looking to Turn Around Girls Indoor Track

by Christopher Tremblay Staff Sports Writer
Issue Date: 
January, 2018
Article Body: 

Tara Noyes, Norwood’s indoor girls track coach, is taking over a squad that was unable to register a win last season. The incoming coach is hoping that she can change that this year.
“Last year the team went winless and came within one point of getting their first win, I’m looking to change that this year," Noyes said. "My goal is to improve this team so that we get at least one victory if not more. We also compete in a league (Bay State Conference) that is very tough and consists of schools with much larger numbers.”
Noyes, who previously coached spring track at Carver High School for three years, is taking on a sport she is familiar with, but not the season.
“This will be my first go around with indoor track,” Noyes said. “The two seasons are different. Indoor does not have as many events and training can be difficult because it only takes place indoors.”
As an incoming coach who really has no knowledge of the girls she has inherited, Noyes is going to have to rely heavily on word of mouth and her senior athletes.
“As a new coach, I have not really seen too much of the girls outside of practice," the new coach said. "I have to go with what the past coach told me as well as the other coaches filling me in. With that said, a lot of things are still up in the air until we have an actual meet and I can see who is capable of what. Although its only practice, I have seen improvement from the girls.”
In addition to her coaches assisting her with the talent she has acquired, Noyes will also rely on her quad-captains. Rachel Fagan will take part in sprints and relays, but exactly where is unknown. The senior has already shown incredible dedication to the sport as well as her form and strides being near perfection.
Erin Donnelly will be a major component to the distance runner team, taking part in both the 1 and 2 mile races; Noyes already knows she can handle the distances.
“As a teacher I have seen her run cross country and she looks very strong,” the coach said. “Not only that, but our distance coach has very high praise for her ability.”
The other two captains this winter will be Alex Scavato, who will take part in the 300, and Caitlin Foley, who will run the 600 as well as the 55 meter hurdles.
The Norwood coach also believes that her 4x200 and 4x400 relay teams should also be very strong this winter. In addition to Fagan running the relays, she will be joined by Mikayla Jordan, Julia Higgins, Sawdah McCloud and Dagney Overbey in one or the other race.
Upon entering the season, Noyes is hoping that the team can stay relatively healthy and avoid injury. If this is able to be sustained, the Norwood runners should not only be able to put up personal bests, but also qualify for the states in their individual events.
“The overall goal is to improve, but I want to make sure they know that it is team before individuals; without a team individuals can't collaborate,” Noyes said. “I’ve seen more team unity as of late. You are only as strong as your weakest individual.”
Noyes is hoping that she can bring a unity to this squad that will help them rise not only in the standings but in their own personal growth as well.
