Nomination Papers Available for Norfolk Town Election

Issue Date: 
March, 2017
Article Body: 

Nomination papers for the May 2 town election are available until March 13 in the Town Clerk’s Office.
The following seats will appear on the ballot: Board of Assessors (1 seat, three-year term); Board of Health (1 seat, three-year term); Constable (1 seat, three-year term); Library Trustee (1 seat, three-year term); Planning Board (2 seats, three-year terms); Recreation (2 seats, three-year terms); Norfolk School Committee (2 seats, three-year terms); KP School Committee (1 seat, three-year term); Selectmen (1 seat, three-year term); and Town Clerk (1 seat, three-year term).
Nomination papers are due in the Town Clerk’s Office by March 15.