Norfolk Group Discusses Global Affairs

By Grace Allen
Issue Date: 
April, 2017
Article Body: 

“Informed Citizens Make Great Decisions.”
That’s the motto of a discussion program that meets monthly at the Norfolk Public Library. The program, Great Decisions, is part of a national organization that brings together people interested in learning about current global issues.
According to Norfolk resident Raphael Maliakal, the Great Decisions program at the library was started eight years ago. Maliakal has been the group’s coordinator for the past three years.
Similar to a book group, participants in Great Decisions read a briefing book before the meeting, and then together view a short DVD prior to the discussion.
The topics are set yearly by the Foreign Policy Association (FPA), a non-profit, non-partisan organization that encourages people to participate and become educated in foreign policy. The FPA was established 99 years ago, and its Great Decisions program was started in 1954 as a way to gather public opinion on current world situations. It’s the largest world affairs discussion program in the United States.
The current session started in January, says Maliakal, but anyone is welcome to join at any time. Topics this year have included the Future of Europe; Trade and Politics; and Conflict in the South China Sea.
Remaining 2017 discussion topics include Saudi Arabia in Transition; U.S. Foreign Policy and Petroleum; Latin America’s Political Pendulum; Prospects for Afghanistan and Pakistan; and Nuclear Security.
Great Decisions groups have the option to share their opinions with the FPA via a national ballot. The Norfolk group does not currently participate in the balloting process, said Maliakal.
“We just want to broaden our knowledge of the subject and understand the difficulties and complexities of conducting our foreign policy,” he stated. “We discuss and share opinions and experiences.” The program, he added, presents more in-depth information on global affairs than what most people see on the nightly news.
Maliakal says Norfolk’s Great Decisions program welcomes a cross-section of participants and ideas. “It’s not supposed to be political but the people in the group have opinions, one way or the other,” he acknowledged.
Great Decisions meets every third Thursday at the Norfolk Public Library from 7 to 8:30 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for April 20. For more information, contact Maliakal at or at 508-488-8210.