Norwood Evening Garden Club Thanks Morse House

Issue Date: 
September, 2017
Article Body: 

Nancy Costa (left), President of the Norwood Evening Garden Club, presents Dale Day (center), Director of the George H. Morse Meeting House, Museum and Education Center, and Bill Pudsey, Morse House Historical Advisor, with a donation from the garden club as a thank you for the years of hosting the garden club’s annual Art in Bloom exhibit.
“The Morse House has been very welcoming to the Norwood Evening Garden Club and has hosted many of our activities over the past 10-plus years," Art in Bloom Chairman Costa said. "For one weekend in April, we take over the premises to set up artwork done by Norwood and Walpole art students along with flower arrangements, created by Norwood Evening Garden Club members, that interpret the art pieces. Dale Day goes above and beyond in preparing the house for our arrival. We are most grateful for her help and for being able to use this historic house to showcase this event.”
“I’m more than happy to do it [Art in Bloom]," Day said. "We host a lot of events during the year, all of which I thoroughly enjoy, but I must admit that Art in Bloom is my absolute favorite event of the year. I love the fact that it involves the community, the student artists, and the creative talent of the garden club arrangers. I really look forward to it every spring.”
The George H. Morse House will once again host the event in the Spring of 2018.
The Norwood Evening Garden Club has been providing education and public beautification in Norwood and Walpole since 1996. Open to novice and expert gardeners, the Club is a member of The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, Inc., New England Region of Garden Clubs, Inc., and National Garden Clubs, Inc. and draws its members from the communities of Norwood, Walpole, Westwood, Dedham, Medfield, Randolph and Stoughton. For information about the Norwood Evening Garden Cub, contact 781-769-3854 or visit