Panoramic Drawing Techniques Demonistration

Issue Date: 
March, 2017
Article Body: 

The Norwood Art Association will present a demonstration of panoramic drawing techniques, Thursday, March 16, 6:30 p.m., Morrill Memorial Library.
The artist of the month will be John Roman, Assistant Professor at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, author, and award-winning freelance illustrator whose clients include Marriott Hotels, the U.S. National Park Service, and Time magazine. During the program, he will share the secrets of the simple method he has devised for creating dramatic, wide-angle images that span 180 degrees.
Refreshments will be provided, and the event is free to any adult or teen wishing to attend. There will also be an auction to benefit Art Association activities, which include their popular Art in the Park held each June and the art scholarship presented to a high school senior at that event.
The Art Association welcomes new members. You need not be an artist and do not have to live in Norwood to join. Dues are just $20 a year ($21 when joining over the Internet) and may be paid at the meeting. For more information, visit, check out their Facebook page, or email