Pitch in to Clean up the Town, May 4

Cynthia Whitty
Issue Date: 
May, 2019
Article Body: 

GreenUp Ashland will hold its annual clean-up-the-town event to celebrate Earth Day on Saturday, May 4, 9 a.m. to noon (rain date, Sunday, May 5). Residents of all ages and businesses and organizations are invited to participate. Volunteers will clean up neighborhoods and parks and along streets and rivers. Residents will have the weekend—not just Saturday morning—to clean up the area for which they register.
Two Ways to Register: Residents may register at the Stone Park Pavilion or in advance on the website, www.greenupashland.org.
Wear Proper Attire: Participants should bring work gloves and water and wear sturdy shoes and bright colored clothing for safety. If you are cleaning up on a busy street, town owned vests and orange cones are available to borrow. Bags that are filled with rubbish and roadside litter may be left curbside for pickup by Ashland Department of Public Works.
For more information, email infogreenupashland.org or visit www.greenupashland.org and www.facebook.com/GreenUpAshland.