Ashland residents will have an opportunity to meet and question the candidates for town offices at a moderated forum, Tuesday, May 12, 6 p.m., at the Ashland Library, Schiesske Community Room, 66 Front St. All residents are invited to attend.
Office seats for the town election are:
• Selectman (1 seat for 3 yrs)
• Assessor (1 seat for 3 yrs)
• School Committee
(1 seat for 3 yrs)
• Library Trustee
(2 seats for 3 yrs)
• Board of Health
(2 seats for 3 yrs)
• Planning Board
(1 seat for 5 yrs)
At the time of this writing, incumbent Steve Mitchell and Preston Crow have filed nomination papers for the Select Board seat, while Lakshmi Krishnan and James Curran have shown interest but have not yet filed for the Planning Board seat. Other candidates who have filed papers are Carolyn Bell and Kab Rabinowitz for Library Trustee, David Rosenblum for Assessor, and Laura Tosti for School Committee. Judith Teller, Jon Fetherston and Ron Etskovitz have also shown interest in the two Board of Health seats.
All nomination papers must be filed with the Town Clerk by Tuesday, March 31, at 5 p.m. Town elections will be held Tuesday, May 19, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., at the Ashland High School Auditorium.
Select Board Vice Chair Yolanda Greaves described the top areas of work for town officials this year: “2020 will see the Select Board and School Committee working together on the FY21 budget, the Public Safety Building, and the Mindess School Project. The Select Board will continue to monitor and work with the town manager on the Downtown Project, the Pond Street/Rt 126 project, and a variety of other initiatives. The final touches will be put on the Riverwalk, and we will all get to enjoy a ribbon cutting this spring!”
The 12th annual Candidates’ forums are sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library and the civic group, We Love Ashland. For more information, visit, email or call the library, 508-881-0134.
2020 Town Elections
Date/Time Activity/Location
Tuesday, March 31, 5 pm Nomination papers for town elections due to Town Clerk’s office
Thursday, April 16 Last day to register to vote in Ashland Town Meeting
Wednesday, May 6, 7 pm Town Meeting, Ashland High School auditorium
Tuesday, May 19, 7 am to 8 pm Town Election, Ashland High School gym
For election and voting information, contact the town clerk’s office,, or visit