POWER: Fostering Connections Through Community Programming

By Cynthia Whitty
Issue Date: 
September, 2017
Article Body: 

Ashland’s Decisions at Every Turn (DAET) Coalition and the Friends of the Ashland Public Library will begin its fourth year co-hosting a program series with a new name: POWER, an acronym for “Prevention Outreach While Encouraging Resilience.”
The program series is a resource for parents and the community in preventing, reducing ,and addressing the problems that can lead to youth substance abuse. Programs are free and open to the public.
Betsy Emberley, president of the Friends of the Library, said, “During the ‘14-’15 school year, we held six programs; the following year, there were 10; last year, there were 11. The programs range from national stage speakers, like Ken Ginsburg addressing the entire community about resilience, to a smaller more targeted workshop for parents of high school seniors preparing to leave for college.
“The series has increased community awareness regarding local resources, normalized discussions regarding important and sometimes difficult topics, reduced stigma and provided tips that can be utilized immediately and strategies to be developed for longer term healthy choices.
“The new name, POWER, an acronym for Prevention Outreach While Encouraging Resilience, is the essence of the program series. The logo includes an illuminated light bulb, which represents the connections we strive to make and the knowledge we strive to apply so our relationships with ourselves and others can thrive.”
A Safe and
Healthy Ashland
Kristin French, DAET Community Outreach Coordinator, said, “What started as a pilot collaboration between Ashland’s DAET and the Friends of the Ashland Public Library in 2014 has emerged as the cornerstone of DAET’s vision to create a safe and healthy Ashland.
“We cannot underestimate the positive impact that community programming has had in Ashland, both through its ability to deliver important prevention messages directly to community members and indirectly through the creation and enhancement of community partnerships committed to working together,” French said. “In the 2016-2017 school year alone, community programming reached more than 500 parents, youth, and other community members. This means that important prevention skills and techniques are being talked about and practiced in homes, schools, and organizations throughout Ashland. Over the past three years, community programming has become a recognized and trusted resource for families –we listen and respond to the needs of Ashland.
“Our programming reflects innovative topics, such as building resilience, mindfulness, social-emotional learning, and the developmental approach to parenting, in addition to programs specifically addressing the prevention of youth substance use. With the new name—POWER—the programs will continue to provide Ashland families and other community members’ valuable tools and information to support youth in meaningful ways. DAET anticipates great things for community programming and Ashland in the years ahead.”
The first two events in this year’s series are:

Parents as Partners,
Thursday, Sept. 28,
6:30 to 7:30 pm,
Warren School Library
Principals Mike Caira and Pete Regan will discuss how parents and schools can work together and share strategies for supporting children. Parents will have the opportunity to create the program agenda by recommending and selecting the topics to be discussed; the principals will facilitate the conversations supporting the critical partnership of home and school. Participants will be engaged in conversation by sharing their own successes and challenges.

One Book, One Community: Wonder by RJ Palacio,
Oct. 4, 6 to 7:30 pm,
Location TBD
A community-wide discussion of the book Wonder led by high school and middle school students.
For more information, visit the calendar at www.ashlanddecisions.org.