Public Meeting Regarding Downton Reconstruction

After years of waiting, the construction of the Franklin downtown is scheduled to begin this month. The project limits include all of Main Street from downtown past the Red Brick School, West Central Street from union to the Railroad Bridge and East Central Street from the Railroad Bridge to Ruggles Street. It is expected that the project will take two construction seasons, however, the official end date is summer of 2016. There is a public construction meeting scheduled for July 10 at 6:30 p.m. at Pierce Science Building at Dean College. The intent of the meeting is to inform the property owners affected by the construction as well as the entire community about the proposed schedule and work involved in the project. You are welcome and encouraged to attend the meeting to hear the plan and ask questions. The town will keep everyone up to date via our website at and Twitter account as the project progresses. For questions, call Jeffrey Nutting, Town Administrator, at (508) 520-4949.
Thursday, July 10, 2014 - 6:30pm