Minds in Motion Starts January 12!
Looking to stimulate your mind, have fun and enjoy some great company? If you answered yes, register for Minds in Motion, which begins January 12, at the Norwood Senior Center.
Course leader Jerry Cianciolo will engage the group in a wide range of fascinating topics, such as, moral dilemmas, human emotions, music appreciation, the visual arts, the latest inventions, expressing yourself in writing, or current news topics.
This discussion-based program if for those with an open mind and willingness to share thoughts and opinions.
Minds in Motion will be scheduled Thursdays, 11 a.m.-12 noon. Cost is $10, and the deadline for registering is Friday, January 5. The program is limited to 15 participants, so call today!
Fuel Assistance Eligibility
If you are eligible, or want to inquire about eligibility for fuel assistance, contact the senior center to make an appointment to fill out an application. Documentation is required with the application, and senior center staff will review the list during that initial phone call. Income guidelines vary depending on how many people reside in the household. For a 1 person household, the income limit is $34,308.;for a 2 person household, the income limit is $44,958; for a 3 person household, the income limit is $55,537. The limit increases from there, based on the number of people in the household.
Medical Appointment Transportation: offered Monday-Friday. For requests, call the Senior Center front desk, 781-762-1201, x6, at least 24 hours in advance,
Norwood COA Senior Center Bus Route
Pickups at housing authority
William Shyne Circle
Willow Wood (Adams Street)
Brookview Circle
Nahatan Street -
Monday - Local Trips
Tuesday - Walmart (1st Tuesday of each month)
Tuesday - Out of town trips (2nd,3rd, and 4th weeks of month) 10 people min.
Wednesday-Local Trips
Thursday - The Big Y/ Dollar Store ( No other pickups between 8:30-12:30)
Friday - Shaw's Supermarket ( No other pickups between 8:30-12:30)
Thursday and Friday shopping pickups begin at 8:30 a.m.
Bus Rules
1. One round trip transport per household per day
2. Riders must call 24 hours before day of pick up
No transports will be made on the day you call.
3. There is a 3-bag limit for each shopping trip. Cases of water, soda,
Pet food, etc will be considered one bag. Unfortunately, no exceptions
Will be made. Please do not overload your bags.
*anyone exceeding the 3 bag limit will be asked to make other
Arrangements for transportation.
Join the Friends of the Council on Aging
The Friends of the Norwood Council on Aging is the fundraising arm of the Council on Aging. Membership is $5 per year. Meetings are every other month and follow the Council on Aging board meetings. Discussions include policy, activities, and fundraising ideas. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Friends board, should submit his/her name to the president.
Activities sponsored by the Friends include, annual nursing home luncheon, summer cookout, sponsor of the first Tuesday Night Supper, and monthly Friday night dances (third Friday of the month, 7-10 p.m.) The 'Friends' also sponsor entertainment, and purchase items needed to enhance programs at the senior center.
The mission of the 501.3C is to conduct fund raising activities to support the Norwood Council on Aging and to carry on any and all legally permissible activities in support of our corporations efforts.
Friends of the Norwood Council on Aging Officers:
Bill McCoy, President
Jim Schmidt, Vice President
Secretary, Joan McDermott
Anne Benson, Treasurer
Frank McDermott,
Public Relations
Dolly Parker, Board Member
Council on Aging Board Members 2017
Thomas Tobin, Chairman
Ted Mulvehill,Vice Chairman
Delia Bartucca, Secretary
Fran Kenney, Member
Martha Colamaria, Member