Three Millis Scouts Achieve Eagle Rank

Issue Date: 
January, 2018
Article Body: 

On November 19, 2017, three members of Millis Boy Scout Troop 15 achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, an achievement only about 5% of Boy Scouts reach.
Nathan Maltinsky, Chair of the Millis Historical Commission, commented on the young men’s achievement on the organization’s Facebook page.
“Thank you to the Millis Boy Scouts for the honor of attending your Eagle Scout badge ceremony at the Boggestowe Fish & Game Club. Today, I truly recognized the efforts of Ben Clarke, James Thisse and Evan Mustard. Your projects you completed for your final badge were creative, informative, and they all touched the history of Millis and its residents.
Thanks to Evan for helping with the history of Niagara and creating the Facebook page. It was an honor to receive my pin today for being the mentor for your project. Shout-out to Buz Downing for all his help with the Scout program and the American Legion (Post 208).”