Traits of the Ashland High Class of 2017

By Cynthia Whitty
Issue Date: 
July, 2017
Article Body: 

Principal Kelley St. Coeur, on June 4, welcomed family, friends, community leaders, and students to the 2017 Ashland High School graduation-- the 144th graduating class. St. Coeur thanked many people in the audience, including the military, first responders, past and present educators, and parents, who “make Ashland the wonderful school system it is.” She noted, “Your sacrifice ensures we have the opportunity to offer free, appropriate, and inclusive education to all.”
St. Coeur spoke about the class of 2017 being a united class, “that cares about each other, despite your differences.”
She cited traits she noticed over the year: the students were eager to expand their world and learn more about those who aren’t necessarily like them; spoke up when they saw or heard an injustice; experienced high school as a whole experience; willing to keep trying, even when something is hard or they don’t like the answer; and had fun.
The principal said, “You do everything with a smile but also with a great deal of respect. You are a group who enjoys each other, life, has the ability to be serious when you need to, but knows not to take life too seriously. Those are traits you need to be successful adults. There are going to be some great times and there are going to be falls. As long as you keep getting up and trying, then you will be living the best life you can. Maya Angelou, whose words have always spoken to me said “Each new hour holds new chances/For new beginnings. Do not be wedded forever/To fear”
“Thank you; you have left a mark on Ashland High School because of your willingness to look at each day as a chance to live life fully,” she concluded. “I truly hope that all of you take that ability with you wherever life takes you. You are and will be legendary.”