Troop 1 Hopedale Celebrates Scout Sunday

Issue Date: 
March, 2020
Article Body: 

On the 9th of February, members of Scouts BSA across the nation celebrated Scout Sunday, a tradition that dates back to the 1940s.  On this special day, always in February, Scouts from all over the United States are called to attend a worship service of whatever faith they choose.  As Scouting is non-secular, requiring only a belief in God (part of the Scout Oath is to do your duty to God and your Country), many Scouts simply attend a service in accordance with their own faith.  In some cases, however, the Scouting Unit (be it a Cub Scout Pack, or Scouts BSA Troop) attend the services performed by their Charter Organization, which is often a religious organization of some sort). The Chartered Organization is effectively a ‘home’ for the Scouts, providing them with a place to meet, a place to store equipment, as well as guidance and support to the Unit.  For Troop 1 Hopedale, that organization is Union Evangelical Church, located at 25 Dutcher St., Hopedale.  
The scouts arrived early, before the service began. Scouts manned the front door, welcoming parishioners into the beautifully decorated sanctuary.  As the service started, the Scouts processioned down the aisle, presenting the flag of the United States, as well as the flag of the church, and ‘posted the colors.’  This is a process the Scouts typically perform during their formal meetings. But the familiarity stopped there. Pastor Todd Sawyer involved the Scouts, and the Scouting Program, into nearly every aspect of the service.  Some boys volunteered to read the scriptures for the service, while others acted as ushers. The real magic, however, happened when Pastor Sawyer delivered the lessons and his sermon.
“We are all created as unique individuals.”  “We have different gifts that God has given us to share with our neighbors.”  “You are enough just as you are.” What wonderful messages for Pastor Sawyer to review with the Troop.  He even read “So God Made a Scout Leader,”by Miss Lisa, providing a considerable ‘nod’ to the adult volunteers within the Troop.  The true message of the day, however, related to the importance of Love. The Love of each other, the Love of God, and the Love of ourselves.  He spoke of the enduring Love that can persevere through suffering…including squabbles about fire starting, or sleeping in the cold rain. “I often feel that religious leaders can sometimes speak above their audience, especially when it comes to the youth.  Pastor Sawyer did an amazing job at relating to the boys, and making the lesson incredibly accessible” said Rob Jackson, Scoutmaster for Troop 1 Hopedale.
The importance of love, and loving one another, not because of our similarities, but because of our uniqueness was an important theme of the service.  By not allowing our differences to divide us, but rather by appreciating the differences as that which helps us bond together, we can find God’s love.  What great lessons for the youth of Troop 1 Hopedale…and the world in general.  
For more information about Scouting in Hopedale, visit, or email