Volunteers Sought for Town of Medway Design Review Committee

Issue Date: 
June, 2017
Article Body: 

Interested in architecture, design, and landscaping or site design? The Medway Planning and Economic Development Board is looking for two Medway residents to serve on the Town’s Design Review Committee (DRC). The Board seeks individuals with design expertise who are motivated to get involved in Town affairs by serving on a Town committee. At the present time, the DRC particularly needs a member with graphic design experience.
The DRC advocates for the preservation and enhancement of Medway’s natural, scenic and aesthetic qualities in order to achieve the pleasing composition of places within the context of the Medway Master Plan. The Committee works to maintain and/or improve the quality of life, value of property and viability of commerce through the use of thoughtful and community-appropriate design practices as represented by the Medway Design Review Guidelines.
The DRC assists and advises the Planning and Economic Development Board, its applicants, and other Town boards and committees as may request design assistance with regard to the review of applications for site plan approval, subdivisions, special permits, scenic road work permits, signs, and other development proposals. The DRC’s recommendations are advisory and include suggestions for modifications to proposed designs and conditions for approval. The Committee also reviews all proposed signs in Medway and provides design recommendations.
First established in 2003, the DRC is comprised of at least five and up to seven Medway residents with experience and/or training in community planning, architecture, landscape and site design, sign design, environmental design, graphic design, urban design or other design related professions. The term of office is two (2) years.
The DRC meets regularly on the first and third Monday night of each month, but is convened more often if necessary to respond quickly to various referrals.
Medway residents interested in serving on the Design Review Committee are asked to send or email a letter of interest and a brief resume to:
Medway Planning & Economic Development Board
155 Village Street - Medway, MA 02053
Any questions regarding the DRC may be directed to Planning and Economic Development Coordinator Susy Affleck-Childs at (508) 533-3291.