Water Meter Replacement

Issue Date: 
April, 2017
Article Body: 

The Town of Ashland, Water Department is replacing old and outdated water meters for residential and small business customers at no cost to residents. The Water Department owns the meters and electronic reading devices and will need entry to each property to replace the meter.
Many of the current meters and electronic reading devices were installed years ago and need to be read manually. The new meters provide reliable readings, which help customers identify plumbing leaks that may result in higher-than-normal bills. Also the new meters eliminate the need for a water meter reader to visit the home, once the meter and radio have been installed.
To verify if your water meter is outdated and you are eligible for a new meter, please email your address and phone number to dpw@ashlandmass.com. For more information, visit www.ashlandmass.com/168/Water-Meter-Replacement-Program.