We Will Never Forget: A Tribute to Peach

By Neha Shabeer, Sophomore, Ashland High School
Issue Date: 
April, 2017
Article Body: 

On the quiet night of February 27, everything changed. The Ashland community lost a son, neighbor, friend, classmate, student, teammate and club member. While each person feels the loss of Brendan Petry in different way, one sentiment was felt by all: unity. Our entire community came together to support one another and the Petry family during the vigil at St. Bridget’s Parish, visitation at Matarese Funeral Home, funeral service at St. Bridget’s Parish, and for every difficult moment in between.
Words cannot even begin to describe how proud I am of how our community connected, teachers, students, parents and complete strangers. The strength and tenacity of our town was showcased through the therapy dogs that provided solace to so many students, the understanding of teachers, the team of Clockers on social media, and private phone calls between friends. The efforts to honor Brendan at Ashland High School (AHS) by endeavors such as Groutfit Day (since he was known by his monochromatic gray fashion) and wearing peach ribbons have been outstanding.
The age-old saying is that you remember a person by how they made you feel and not by their individual accomplishments. Brendan was a star athlete on the AHS varsity soccer and basketball teams, a proud member of the Make-a-Wish club, the treasurer of the Spanish Club and an usher for the Theatrical Society, but he is remembered as a kind, hilarious and quirky guy who always had a smile on his face. With impassioned opinions and rallying ideas, Brendan was a kindred spirit that I’m so lucky to have known. Like his uncle, Bob Filippone, said, “We need more Brendan’s in this world.”
The following are memories from a few of Brendan’s close friends from the sophomore class.
“In my opinion, the most remarkable trait Brendan possessed was his dedication. He had a work ethic like no one I’ve ever seen. If there was a club, he was part of it. If there was a team, he was part of it. If there was a discussion, he was part of it. He was so involved in our community, always giving back, and this is why he will be so dearly missed.” Alyssa Crouss
“He did what he liked to do and was great at it. Seeing him always making a name for himself was a true inspiration to me. I hope to one day have the confidence and drive to success that Peach lived his life with.” Pratit Kadimdiwan
“Petry was one in a million. Scratch that, he was one in a billion. I could always rely on those cheesy jokes that he knew everyone secretly loved, or him constantly asking if I was okay when he knew I was having a bad day. That’s one of the reasons why this is so difficult: if Peach was here during a time like this, he would be tirelessly working to cheer everyone up, putting the needs of others in front of his own like he always did. He was truly a selfless person. His positive demeanor could instantly pull anyone out of a dark place. The kid genuinely cared about other people, which is what made him so special. He would ask how your day was, and he actually wanted to hear about it. His sensitivity and empathy made him so easy to talk to. He was a good guy, and not a day will go by that I won’t think of him.” Katie Tranguch
I truly, truly hope and pray a tragedy like this will never strike Ashland again. Learn from Brendan’s life and be a kinder person; you never know what troubles lay under a person’s pristine exterior. Spread a smile, share a compliment, and make a joke—it could make all the difference in someone’s life. Always remember there are so many people who care about you in this community and seek out help if you need it.
Rest in Peace, Brendan. We love and miss you.