Wild Side Walk at Warren Woods

Track Ashland’s wild animals on May 6
Issue Date: 
May, 2017
Article Body: 

Winter has come to an end and the woods are alive with the animals waking up to the rising spring and summer sun. “My treeeee!” calls the Black Capped Chickadee as he tries to find a tree to make his nest. Ripped acorn shells, pine cones, hickory nuts, and chestnut shells litter the ground, from field mice, squirrels, porcupines and chipmunks.
Are you curious about the wild animals of the Ashland woods: the food they eat, the tracks they make, the sounds they make? Then join the Ashland Conservation Commission’s Wild Side Walk at Warren Woods at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 6.
Participants must register by sending an e-mail to the conservation agent, Maeghan Dos Anjos, at mdosanjos@ashlandmass.com. The walk is limited to 10 people. Participants should wear long pants and closed-toed shoes that can go through wet sections of trails, and bring water, sun block and repellent. For more information, call Dos Anjos at 508-532-7924.