Are you a woman who has been curious about how to handle a firearm? Maybe you grew up in a family where shooting was something that the guys did. Perhaps you have wondered why people enjoy the shooting sports. Possibly, you are interested in taking the first steps towards learning the safe handling of firearms for personal protection.
Here is your opportunity to learn! Come join us for a women’s-only instructional shooting clinic on Saturday, June 3 (rain date June 10). You will receive hands-on instruction in firearms safety, shotgun, rifle and pistol by the friendly and knowledgeable folks at the Fin, Fur and Feather Club in Millis. No previous experience is necessary; just the desire to learn and have fun.
Completion of this course will give you the necessary certificates to apply for your Massachusetts Firearms License – if you choose – at no extra cost. The $50 tuition includes eye and hearing protection, all materials, lunch and the Massachusetts Basic Firearms Safety certificate – a value of over $150! You must complete the eight-hour course to receive your certificate.
This event is limited to 50 people and you must be at least 16 years old to participate. To register, contact Mary at (508) 533-5572 or or email her at
Millis Women-Only Instructional Shooting Clinic Registering Now
Issue Date:
April, 2017
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