Join us at the Italian American Veterans Club in Milford for a care package packing event. We have hundreds of individuals (soldiers, airmen, seamen) actively deployed.
Anyone interested in helping out is welcome - we will also accept donations of the following items:
Protein bars and powder
Snacks that won’t crush when we pack them up
Morale boosters/games
New socks
Non-aerosol personal hygiene ítems for men and women (e.g. shaving products, insect repellent, sun-tan lotion, chap stick, soap, deodorant, foot care products, toothcare products, shampoo/conditioner).
Monetary donations to assist with mailings/delivery are also welcome. For more details contact info@thankstoyanksorg or donate here.
Saturday, March 23, 2019 - 8:00am to 1:00pm