Medway Foundation for Education (MFE) To Hold “NON-TELETHON” Fundraiser

Issue Date: 
October, 2016
Article Body: 

The Medway Foundation for Education will be holding a “NON-TELETHON” this fall in place of the annual Phone-a-thon conducted at the beginning of the school year for the previous 12 years. The fundraiser will be conducted entirely through social media.
“We realize that the old method of calling people at home for donations is outdated, as many residents no longer use house phones, said Brian Grey, MFE President. So we will be conducting the annual fundraiser through our website, Facebook and Twitter, as well as other social media means. If you have donated to the MFE in the past or are newly acquainted with our organization, please consider making a donation this year.”
The Medway Foundation for Education is an all-volunteer 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization formed in 2000. The MFE provides funds in the form of grants for innovative programs in the Medway schools not already covered by the school budget.
For the 2016-2017 school year, over $16,000 in funds were granted for the following programs;
A permanent District Student Art Collection, BOKS (Rebok Foundation before and after school physical activity), Flexible classroom/Differentiating Instruction, Micropipettes for Molecular Genetics Applications, 6th Grade Speakers Series, Fostering Curious Readers, Students Tools Project, and JUSTOR (access to the highest quality Academic Journals, Books etc. These grants were awarded to teachers from each of Medway’s four schools, providing innovative programs, technologies and materials to a wide range of students.
Last year, over $27,000 was awarded to seven worthy grant requests including; Science Saturday for Girls, The WeatherBug System, Middle School Garden, Investigating Rotational Motion and several others. The MFE also provided the funds to bring “The Herren Project” to Medway last year, an event coordinated with the MSPTO Board that brought in over 400 parent and student attendees. The MFE has funded over $230,000 in grants since inception and is in the process of building a long-term endowment fund for future generations to utilize.
“We are so thankful for the support and generous donations made to the MFE each year by members of our community. People as well as local businesses have continually shown support for our fundraisers throughout the school year. Teachers from each of our schools submitted some wonderful grant proposals for consideration, and we are happy to be able to grant funds to many of those.” Said Sue Olson, MFE Vice-President.
Donations can be made through the MFE website -, or by going to:
Please follow us on, or Twitter @MFE_Medway